Welcome to Liquidfin your guide on
The journey to a better future.
Liquidfin is a client-centric, credit management business, focused on empowering, enabling, educating, supporting and coaching individuals to live their best life possible with the means they have available.
The first step to a better future is taking responsibility and being accountable for every aspect of one’s life. The second step is taking action. A.C.T.” Action Changes Things” Through positive reinforcement on credit responsible behaviour and guided negative reinforcement on credit negligent behaviour. We become part of the financial journey, creating an environment where each individual takes responsibility for a better future. Centred on the education and rehabilitation of a component of the credit market that has fallen into a cycle of non-payment and delinquency. We reactivate non-performing debt, Through a process of smart analytics, we determine the best solutions for each unique individual, guided by our ethos and treating customers fairly. This is done by driving client education, ensuring monthly instalments are at an affordable level and resulting in the improvement of credit score, enabling the individual to become an active participant in the economy.
About Us
liquidfin is backed by a team of incredibly strong, capable and talented individuals with decades of experience in their fields of expertise and in most cases industry leaders.
- 15+ years loan sales experience in a call centre environment.
- 15+ years loan collection experience in traditional and alternative collection methods.
- Industry leaders in the development and implementation of the Debi-check environment.
- 15+ years in compliance to the regulations of the National Credit Act and all other regulations applicable to the unsecured credit industry.

The three keys to success in life:
Discipline, hard work and time
If you want your life to look different, you need to change your lifestyle.
Change your habits, to change your life.
Which habits are not working for you?
Start with writing down everything you spend money on, cash, accounts, eft, debit order etc.
Do this for a month and then consider if the things you are spending your money on are moving you closer to the life you want, or if they’re moving you further away from your ideal life.
Now make a decision on where you spend your money.

Do you have a budget?
We need to look at the following things when we consider our budget:
• Disposable income and where it goes?
• Essential expenses vs. non-essential expenses
• Fixed expenses vs. variable expenses
• Debt
Start now and draft a budget *** Link to the downloadable budget template
Is your budget realistic?
Take a few months to review your budget. It is important that your budget is not only realistic but that you can also stick to it.
Once your budget is set and working for you, it is important to work out your budget for the year ahead and at the end of each month, compare your proposed budget with your actual budget.
If you change the way you spend your money through lifestyle changes, you are on your way to taking control of your situation. If not, no matter how much money you make through your efforts, your ultimate situation will not change. Because as your income changes, so will your lifestyle change.
This is common amongst most people. All that happens when they make more money is their expenses increase.
Let’s consider debt for a moment.
There are a few theories on what to do to eradicate debt. I believe that it ultimately boils down to human behaviour. If you reduce certain debts only to create other debts, what is the point? This is, however, very typical human behaviour.
Here are a few options to consider when it comes to the reduction of your debt.
Option A)
Pay off your shortest-term debt first and once settled move on to your next shortest-term debt thereby increasing your repayment by the amount you were paying on the debt you have just settled.
Option B)
Pay off your highest interest-bearing debt first and once settled move on to your next highest interest-bearing debt thereby increasing your repayment by the amount you were paying on the debt you have just settled.
Option C)
Consolidate all your debt into one. Take your longest term and lowest interest-bearing debt and combine all your monthly repayments and pay this off as quickly as possible.
Whatever you decide, you must service your debt. Do not; under any circumstances create any further debt.
Have a look at the amount of interest you are currently paying, and then decide if the products purchased on credit are worth the total amount you paid for them, i.e., the purchase price plus interest and charges.
Cautionary note: Should you not change your habits, none of the abovementioned options will work as they simply create the opportunity for you to get deeper into debt. Be very careful when you are considering these options and making a decision.
Let’s consider an emergency fund.
What happens when there is an emergency, and you don’t have any savings?
The only option is borrowing money, it’s an emergency after all, but now you have to repay the money, but that’s not all, you have to repay the total cost of credit, and this becomes expensive.
What is an emergency fund?
An emergency fund is a financial safety net for future mishaps and/or unexpected expenses.
An emergency fund is a cash reserve that’s specifically set aside for unplanned expenses or financial emergencies. Some common examples include car repairs, home repairs, medical bills, or a loss of income.
How much should you have in your emergency fund?
Ideally, you should work towards having an amount equal to 3 (three) to 6 (six) months’ worth of income available in an emergency fund, this amount should cover most emergencies.

The importance of knowing your Credit Health status
Maintaining a healthy credit score matters to your financial health. Your credit health plays an important role in your ability to achieve long-term financial goals.
Banks, credit providers, landlords and even future employers use your credit score to determine how financially responsible you are. A low credit score could result in not qualifying for credit, not getting the apartment or house that you wanted or being charged a higher interest rate when you do qualify for credit.
This information is collected by credit bureaus from reports made by your lenders, insurers, and banks and is made available for future financial services providers to make decisions on your financial future.
Your credit score is measured in ranges from poor to excellent. Each range will determine the products that you qualify for and the interest that you will pay.
Tips on managing your credit health and improving your credit score:
Take control of your credit health – Check your credit report regularly to ensure that your information is correct and up to date. You can access free credit reports through most of the South African Credit bureaus.
Get your free credit report here:
Speak up – Keeping your creditors informed of your financial position is important in making payment arrangements that can improve your credit score over time.
Be on time – Payment profiles have a big influence on your credit score. Late payments will ultimately lower your credit score, even if payment is only late by a few days.
Never too many – Avoid applying for too many credit products in a short period. This lowers your credit score. Do research on provider websites or in branches before applying for a credit product.
Keep paying – The most effective way to increase and maintain your credit score is to continue paying all outstanding debts as arranged over the period agreed.
Keep it low – Not utilising the full available balance on a credit card keeps your credit score lower than using the maximum limit available.
Being in control of your financial future begins with knowing and understanding your credit health.
Solutions / Products
Through following our ethos and principles of treating customers fairly, liquidfin understands that all client’s needs and circumstances are unique.
We offer a range of solutions to breaking the cycle of non-payment and delinquency developed through industry experience to ensure that each client has the best possible prospect of becoming a credit-responsible citizen.
Confirmed Debt Relief Loan
Settles outstanding debt with liquidfin
Cash portion paid to client bank account and credit record cleared!
Affordable interest rates
*T’s & C’s Apply
Cash Back Loan
Settles outstanding debt with liquidfin
Regular loyalty reward paid out to the client
Affordable interest rates
*T’s & C’s Apply
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a DebiCheck mandate?
A DebiCheck Mandate is an authorisation process whereby all debit orders require verification from the account holder. By approving with DebiCheck, you can approve all debit order requests and prevent unauthorised debit orders against your account.
How do I approve a DebiCheck mandate?
Different banks have different methods of authentication that can range from accepting on the online banking platform, from the banking mobile app, at an ATM or through a USSD notification sent to your cell phone number.
You will receive an SMS or notification from your banking app that a DebiCheck mandate has been loaded to your account. Just follow the prompts from your mobile banking app, and select accept.
What is a Prescription?
The Prescription Act, No. 68 of 1969 (Prescription Act) deals with the prescription of debt. Once the relevant period has passed the debt is extinguished unless the prescription was interrupted by the admission of debt or debt payment.
How does prescription affect you?
If your claim of prescription is assessed to be valid and the debt has been prescribed, you will no longer be liable to pay the debt and no further action will be taken to collect on the debt.
If your claim is assessed and found not to have been prescribed, you will remain liable to pay the outstanding debt.
What is Debt Administration?
Debt Administration is a legal process that will reschedule your debt repayments at a smaller instalment over a longer period if your total debt does not exceed R50 000.
A Debt Administrator will be appointed by a court to take over the management of your finances and negotiate with your creditors. If the court grants your application, your creditors won’t be able to take any legal action against you.
What is Debt Counselling and/or Debt Review?
Debt Review is also a legal process that will extend your debt repayment and reduce current interest rates, provided you cannot repay all your creditors on your current income.
A Debt Counsellor will be appointed to assess your financial situation and negotiate with creditors on your behalf.
Debt review is a shorter process than Debt administration.
What is a Section 129 Notice?
A Section 129 notice is a legal notification that you will receive from your creditors before legal action is taken to collect outstanding amounts.
This notice will contain the details of all outstanding amounts, the option to refer to a debt counsellor or the option to make a payment arrangement before legal action is taken.
What is credit life insurance?
Credit life is an insurance product that will be offered on your loan that will pay your debt in the event of death, permanent disability, temporary disability, or retrenchment.
The credit provider will receive the insurance benefit in a claimable event and will either pay the instalments for a period or settle the total outstanding debt.
Helpful links
We are always ready and willing to help our clients with all questions or queries they may have. We recommend that you contact our customer care call centre with any queries. Should you need more assistance than we can provide, here are some helpful links:
National Credit Regulator (NCR)
(Any queries or complaints related to credit agreements)
Telephone : 0860 627 627
Email: complaints@ncr.org.za
Website: www.ncr.org.za
National Consumer Commission (NCC)
(Any queries or complaints relating to the Consumer Protection Act, 68 of 2008)
Telephone : 012 940 4450
Email: complaints@thencc.org.za
Website: www.creditombud.org.za
Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA)
(Any queries or complaints relating to insurance products)
Telephone : 0800 2037 22
Website: www.fsca.co.za
The Payments Association of South Africa (PASA)
(Any queries or complaints relating to the collection of instalments)
Telephone : 010 140 7100
Email: pasa@pasa.org.za
Website: www.pasa.org.za
Council for Debt Collectors (CFDC)
(Any queries or complaints relating to the collection of debt)
Telephone : 012 804 9808
Email: infor@cfdc.org.za
Website: www.cfdc.org.za
Let's chat!
Need more information? Send me an email or give me a call.